Friday, August 26, 2011

Tile is DONE!

Paul got the grouting finished last night, and after letting it dry for a day we will attach the fireplace to the bulkhead.

Sponging off the excess grout, and...


The stainless steel flues and elbows are supposed to arrive today, the chimney is in Jerry's garage.  Once everything is here we will proceed with cutting a hole in the boat's ceiling and installing.  How exciting!

Isn't this a great-looking logo? 

And, a great-looking shirt?

Yes, and as usual Harold and Mrs. Harold the Harbor seals were watching and following us last night as we rowed-in to the dinghy dock.

After working at Isla Glass today, going to a wine-tasting event at a local deli tonight with Paul's boss, Mark.  Pics on that to come!

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