Friday, October 28, 2011

The Little Bug That Could, And Did With A Little Love!

Paul came across this poor dusty 1974 VW bug while peddling on his bike thru Napa.  The "FOR SALE" sign caught his eye...straight frame, NO RUST, a real Napa car!  


Clean interior!

Next thing he knew, the dusty bug was his and he was installing a new carburetor,  plugs and plug wires.

ZOOM, ZOOM...Runs great now! 

Then the bike went into the bug.  8.5 miles from marina to Napa, and then same 8.5 miles back AGAINST THE WIND!  Sore rear end had to do a lot with last-minute purchase of this little gem.

Commuter components.

 Perfect Fit!

Paul sold his beloved "Vanimal" in Hawaii for his sailing adventures and needed wheels upon his return to HI on November 21.  So he loaded up the bug and drove south to Hayward/Oakland by way of some San Francisco sightseeing and some business in the Haight.

Stayed at Surfer John's place a few nights in Foster City, a bit south of SFO Airport.  Thanks John!

Then this past Tuesday, he drove the little bug over to Hayward, just a few miles over the bay on the east side,  and dropped it off at Pasha Auto Freight.  "Little bug that could" is now on the ocean heading to HI.

Paul ordered some old-school surf racks for the bug that will arrive in time as the bug.  Will be a Diamond Head and Kewalos cruiser for SURE!

In the yard, awaiting loading with nice traveling companion...
Bug flirting with Mustang!

Then Paul took BART back to John's place.

BART landing. 

"No take picture!"
Girl look at boy, boy scowl at whitie...
Dang man, CHILL!

The train landing.

Stay tuned, the adventure's not over yet!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paul's Day in the City, San Francisco

 Paul went in the city to get some things done, and while he was waiting he did a bit of sightseeing in the Haight...
Hmmm, definitely a good gag pun intended. 

 Bling, even in death.

Traffic heading into the city.
Paul said SF drivers are "CRAZY!" 

Golden Gate Park. 

Vintage Thunderbirds on parade... 

Another shot of Golden Gate Park.
Beautiful day! 

In "the Haight."
A continual cast of unusual characters.
Paul gave this guy $1 to pose for the camera.  He says "It's Cali...everything and anything for a price."
Paul actually wanted his hat, but was concerned about critters living underneath!

"Wasteland" clothing store.
Love the building!

I love Haight-Ashbury!

More pics!

John's Jack Russell Terrier,
"Kasey the Super Dog!"

John's son, Ben.

In the Haight.

The infamous corner,

Colorful storefront "Cheap Thrills."
Owner of this store sold Paul his "new" VW camper van that he will use to return to Lopez to complete his remodel commitment.

Super Van!


The GREATEST place for new/used music and original concert posters from the 60's and 70's.

You can easily spend all day here...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tooling Around in San Francisco

Here's some photos from Paul, on his adventures while the rest of us work and house-hunt...

 Driving through the vineyards.

Having lunch at  "Pizza Orgasmica and Brew."


Jan's stand at the Sheraton Waikiki.
Maui Jim's, anyone?

Stay tune for more pics, Paul is staying at John's!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sights from Napa and Halloween Is In The Air!

While running errands on his "new" bike today, approximately 8.5 miles from the marina to downtown, Paul shot some photos of Napa and some of the sights.

Hmmm, which way??? 

I think its THIS way!

Can you eat these straight from the vine?

Now, don't take any grapes, Paul... 

Pumpkin field.

With Napa being an artistic sort of town, I expect Halloween is a big event there!  Looks like it'll be fun!



Hay and pumpkin pyramid.

Pet the Piggie!

1100 lbs.
THAT'S a lot of pumpkin pie!

Don't go away, I'm sure there's more photos to come!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Some Photos of Life in Napa

In between the demolition of Trimming's cabin and waiting for the transmission on the VW camper van to be completed, Paul found that the town of Napa close to where the marina is has a lot to offer.  He bought a cool, used bike at "Anything and Everything" to get around on:

Cool wheels!
"Why buy new when used will do???"

The town is just 7 miles from the marina, and cabs are very expensive so a bike is THE way to go.

 Joe's Bar and Restaurant

Angel hair pasta with mussels, shrimp, fish and scallops!

Photo of the Napa Valley Marina. 

Photo from Trimming, sitting amongst new friends.

There's also some pretty big fish to be caught here too, namely 50-lb. sturgeon and striped bass.


And those things are swimming around under us???

Paul, get Donny's lure and pole out!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Trimming's Haul-Out

The good ship Trimming Out was hauled-out this morning for storage until next year.

 Coaxing her in...

Easy does it...

 22,000 lbs. strong and getting power-washed.

Making sure all is secured and hull is cleaned.

In the meantime, Paul has begun to demolish the old interior to make way for the new and improved cabin!

This photo is the port-side, above the settee'.  You can see from the cabinet to the left that there's another storage area behind that, sort of wasted space and lots of unnecessary lumber. 

No wasted space for long though!
Stay tuned!