Thursday, July 21, 2011

Work Today!

Had the privilege to tag-team a housecleaning job with Angie.  My job was to clean the windows, both inside and out.  It was fun, the weather was cool and pleasant.  From this home, I could see outside Fisherman's Bay, sailboats were out but so were whitecaps.   Angie said we got all the cleaning done in half the time it would take her alone.  I'm very thankful to her for allowing me to join in and make some money today!

Don't the windows look great???

The seasonal fruits are beginning to ripen!  Paul and I took a walk yesterday and noticed that the apple trees are starting to look like apple trees with red fruit!

There's also a berry called the "salmon berry" and it looks like a raspberry but tastes like pickled mango! Amazing and yummy!

Best of all, the fruit is free!


  1. hey guys!

    isn't washington the apple capital of the world? those apples look good!

    glad you could make some extra bucks! the weather looks cool and crisp. amazing for jul22 no? guess it doesn't get hot there even in the winter?

    heading to hnl tomorrow. looks not waves again or small kind. been swimming at the community center pool. i hate the chlorine! i much prefer swimming in the arms of mother ocean.

    my back is feeling much better so maybe do some body boarding w/ mac.

    johnnyboy ;-)

  2. oops i meant even in summer! lol
