Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Im gunna miss her....


Well, hangin out here in Napa and the Sac River Delta a guy has to listen to a bit of country on the radio. ( after Jan left that is, she hates CW. )  .   So there is this song about a guy that loves to fish his fav fishin-hole so much....  So much that this his Woman tells him , "you go fishin tomorrow and Im gone"
He sings  " Im sure gunna miss her"
Sorry Hun, But I like the song.

Bye for now Surfergirl. I know you need get back to DH !    It was great fun and you were a GREAT travel / adventure partner ! Especially when I went MOB..  And you slowed the boat and helped haul me in.  ( Like a big Ahi?)    Not at all sure how I would have made it back aboard if you were not at the helm. Until Trim ran into the narrow Levee banks on the next bend.   Picture me  swim to shore and run down the levee rock top after my boat.... Or maybe I could have crawled into the zodiac and waited for the grounding... THUD....    LOL.    So glad we can laugh with no repairs needed...
But I miss my Sunglasses!

And then there is that Tobi Keith song...  about a little blue note she left.   " she's gone" ...  CW is too sad.     Sorry hun, I like the song.

Jan made it home no problem after we spent a night near the airport at "surfer pilot John's place"  while       he was down line.      Thanks John!      Nice Tub!

                     Stay tuned as I  begin the shoreside Renovation of  schooner  "PINK CLOUD"

post by Paul, no edit by the boss.

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